Master Global Regulation's blog

Jerry Mashaw

Prof. Jerry Mashaw

From October 2nd to October 7th 2014, Professor Jerry L. Mashaw from Yale Law School (Yale University) held a series of four lectures on the history and prospects of US administrative law, in the context of the Master in "Global Regulation of Markets" and the PhD in Public Law of Sapienza University of Rome.

The title of the lectures were the following:

Robert Baldwin


On March 28th 2014, within the second module on “Regulation and Competition in the Current Phase of Globalization”, Professor Robert Baldwin from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) held a lecture on the subject: Regulatory Styles: From Commands to Nudge.

Free movements of goods and services


On may 26th 2014, the opening  lecture of the third module of the Master (“Free Movement of Goods and Services”) has been held by Professor Gian Luigi Tosato (Professor of International Law at Sapienza University of Rome) and by Professor Enzo Moavero Milanesi (Professor of EU Law at the School of Government of LUISS Guido Carli, former Minister for European Affairs). They  conversed on the following subject: The European Single Market within Globalization: achievements and prospects.


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