La classe del master in "Global Regulation of Markets" a.a. 2011/2012

14 gennaio 2013

European Institutional Responses to the Sovereign Debts Crisis. The European Stability Mechanism as a Factor of Constitutional Change (M. Anzini)
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights on the Internet (B. Bakos)
Energy Market Liberalization and the Unbundling (D. Cialdella)
The Impact Assessment Board: an efficient keeper but too weak? (L. Di Donato)
Rating Agencies: problems and implications (F. Luongo)
Good Regulation: Regulator’ Accountability and Procedural Guarantees. the Environmental Sector as Paradigm (M. Pirocchi)
Class Action and Antitrust Law (M.R. Scigliano)
Patents, Competition and Human Rights: an Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Issues (F. Villela Viana)